Wednesday, October 3, 2012


For as long as I can remember,  people have always described me as someone who is strong. Someone with an incredible boldness, a determination, and strong willed. I have even been called a lioness before. haha.  But here lately, I am just not feeling it. Anybody else ever just not feel it? I love this blog, because it is a place where I can be transparent and hope that it blesses someone else. So here it goes!

I have been in Ecuador for four months now and I love it. I really really love it.  However, sometimes I just don't feel cut out for it.  In a moment of weakness last week, I threw myself a pity party. I invited doubt, fear, and worry to attend. haha There were probably a few others there too! Somehow I had convinced myself that God had brought me to Ecuador at the wrong time. I mean why would he have put me here now, especially when I am just not feeling it!  Why only two weeks after my mom passed away? Why would I get robbed? Why would I be here when loved ones at home are sick, or when I myself keep getting sick?  Why would I be here all by myself? Why am I still single?  Why does everyone think am I so strong when I really feel so weak? The list could go on....

But, just as He always does, the Lord sweetly spoke to me through His word and reminded me that I was right, well kind of. Don't you love being right? haha. I love the verse below. It seems to come up at the perfect time. It spoke to me last week, last year, last month, a minute ago, and just about every time I read it. haha. I hope it speaks to you too. 

2 Corinthians 12:9-10
 Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. MY POWER WORKS BEST IN WEAKNESS.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.  That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

The truth is I am weak. That was the part I got right. But, because of Christ who lives in me, I am strong. Somehow it can be easy to forget where our strength comes from. Sometimes I want to credit myself for being strong because I made it this far, because somehow I always seem to get through it, and because I never give up.  But, it was never me that made it this far. It wasn't me that got through it all, or never gave up. It was God. It has never been my strength, it has always been His. Every good, strong, and dertemined thing about me comes from Him. So with that being said, if His power really works best in weakness, then God is surely at work right now. Not only is he at work, He is doing His best work in me and through me. I am choosing to boast about it. I believe God will use it. I have already seen him use it. I just needed a reminder. So I want to encourage anyone that may feel weak, tired, and ready to give up. Remember that your God is stronger. He is at work and He is doing His best work. Boast about your weaknesses and watch what He will do.

The word strong in Spanish is fuerte, but it is also used to mean wow, intense, loud, and bold! If that doesn't describe God I don't know what does. He always wows me, His presence is intense, His voice is loud, and His holy Spirit helps me to be bold!! Just thought that was awesome.

Other updates:
  • In August I had the opportunity to attend a discipleship conference in Texas. It was incredible! From the training at the conference we have launched a Church Planting Movement here in Cuenca. The idea is to GO and MAKE disciples. Instead of just inviting people to church where space is limited, we are bringing the church to them. We are seeing a multiplication like never before!! 
  • We just broke ground this summer on a new building for 608, the Chruch Plant at Unsion TV.  Right now 608 Chruch has 4 weekly services! God is packing out the place and we couldn't be happier! This new building will just allow us to reach and disciple even more people! 
  • Sunday nights we are now offering a bilingual service at the 608 Cafe. Cuenca has a growing number of expats and this service is reaching out to the English speaking community. It is also drawing Ecuadorians that have a desire to learn a new language! Love seeing two cultures come together and worship together!
  • I have the privilege of co-leading 3 women's small groups each week. God has been moving and we have seen many come to know the Lord, grow in their faith, open up, and share what God is doing with others.  Below is a picture of Josefina!! Amazing story. She heard about a discipleship group at my house through Unsion TV. She has been a Mormon for 26 years but Unsion is her favorite channel. She would just skip over the preaching programs. She is a quiet woman who lives all alone and also suffers from tunnel vision and many other severe health problems. She started attending the discipleship group. One night we had a discussion on healing. She knew so much about the Bible that I assumed she was a Christian. This was before I knew her story. However through anger, tears, and frustration from her physical sickness she blurted out that she was not a Christian and did know if God could heal her.  That night everything changed! We prayed for her, lead her to the Lord, believed for her healing, and last weak baptized her! She has never felt physically better and she is telling others about what God has done in her life!! 
Josefina pictured above
  • Including Josefina, we baptized 37 people this last Sunday!! This is huge for Cuenca!! So exciting! 
  • Unsion TV recently received funding for a Satellite signal that will reach from Canada to the Southern tip of Argentina! More people will hear the gospel through the awesome gift of technology. We plan to launch in November!
  • My first intern will be arriving Nov. 2nd. I am working on processing others. I will also be headed to the World Missions Summit in December to continue recruiting. We need the help so come intern with me :) 
  • I have also recently taken on a project at Unsion TV that covers the Christian Programming. Unsion is a Christian Channel but we offer news, shows, and family programming aside from the specific Christian programming. We have a huge audience because of this. With the new Satellite  launch are working on bringing in other projects and Christian speakers that can be broadcasted to reach a variety of audiences. Please pray that people will be excited to partner with us and use their creativity to reach millions!
  • My home church from Griffin, GA came to Cuenca for a Medical Fair in July. They were able to  see hundreds of people and provide counseling, prayer, crucial healthcare treatment, and advice that saved many lives. It was a great week! 
  • In a month I will also be heading back to the Jungle to help with a Medical outreach! Please be praying for safety and divine healing for the people there. Also keep the missionaries that live there in your prayers. I am amazed at the lives they live every single day. 
  • The AG has a new giving link. It makes supporting missionaries so much easier. Truly a great update. You can Click Here to go directly to my new giving profile. I need to maintain %80 of my monthly budget to continue the work in Ecuador. Thank you to all who have given. If you would like to give, you can also sign up by going to this new giving profile.
  • I also had some issues with my mailing list. Please sign up here to receive prayer requests and quarterly newsletters. 
Thank you again for all of your love, support, and prayers! I would not be able to do any of this without you! 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or words of encouragement. I would love to hear from you. My e-mail is 

Dios Les Bendiga,

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