So upon my arrival in Costa Rica, my thoughts have been wandering A LOT! It seems that even after only one short week, Satan is already throwing punches at me. And if it’s ok, I am going to be really transparent for a moment. The past few days I have found myself questioning why I am even here!? Crazy, I know! I mean really Leah?! After all of the hard work, fund raising, months of waiting, praying, and pleading for this moment, am I really questioning it? Yep. That’s right. Questions of "what have I gotten myself into? And "when do I get to go home?" ALREADY! Other questions like "Am I qualified"?, "Am I really here"?, "Am I going to make it", "Am I ready for this"? A lot of "AM I's", if I do say so myself. So with that being said, tonight during prayer and through all of the "AM I's", I saw something really neat and I would like to share it with you.
"AM I?" If you think about it, almost every sentence that starts with these two small words is a question. Now just for fun I looked up the word "question" in the dictionary. It can be defined in a few different ways, but one definition really stuck out to me. A "question" is simply defined as uncertainty or doubt. Now since "AM I" usually starts off a question, I think we can agree that these "AM I" questions promote a certain level of doubt and uncertainty. And just like any question, they also need an answer. Even something simple like, "AM I driving, or are you?". Even here, the person driving needs an answer for something they are unsure about. Now, if you are still with me, this is when it gets interesting. Simply take these two words and swap them....... You get "I AM". Pretty amazing! And yes I am pretty and amazing. hahaha just kidding. Not talking about me here! It's pretty amazing that with one little swap, what seemed so unsure becomes crystal clear. The same two words, but "I AM" screams boldness and authority. It's knowing that you know! "I AM" leaves no room for uncertainty or doubt!
Now for my favorite part. As I was speaking to the Lord in "AM I"s, I was simply reminded of the great "I AM"! Jesus Christ. All throughout the Bible He is referred to as the great "I AM". In the Old Testament in Exodus 3:14 we are introduced to the "I AM” when it is referenced as the name of God the Father. Then in the New Testament, the Name Above All Names, JESUS is referred to as the "I AM"
Particularly In John, Jesus says:
I AM the bread of life (6:35, 48). I AM the light of the world (8:58). I AM the door (10:7, 9). I AM the good shepherd (10: 11, 14). I AM the resurrection and the life (11:25). I AM the way, the truth, and the life (14:6). I AM the true vine (15:1, 5).
And then one of my favorite scriptures! In Luke 9:20, Jesus says, "Who do you say that I-AM?' I just love the word of God so much because it has all of the answers we need. I sometimes get irritated when people answer a question with a question. You know what I'm talking about. haha I just want the direct answer. But this particular question answered every question I had. Jesus isn’t asking the question with doubt because He knows exactly who He is. He is asking it so that we may know who He is! Every uncertainty and doubt disappeared when I had this little reminder of who Jesus is! He is the great "I AM". Satan has no place in my thoughts! I know that I am a servant of the great "I AM". I know that with His help I am going to make it! I am ready for this! And most importantly, I know who He is to me and who I am because of Him.