Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An update from Cuenca...

I received the following e-mail from the missionaries I will be working with in Cuenca, Ecuador... my home away from home! I thought some of you may like to read some of the great things happening there! I am so privileged to have the opportunity to work with Bill & Connie McDonald! They have done so much with what God has given them and  have dreams for so much more! Please remember to pray for them as you read this. Also, as of now my last day at Griffin First will be July 7th. I still need $643 dollars in monthly commitments to guarantee that I will leave in August. That may not sound like much, but that could be 60 people giving $10 and my people list is running short. haha If you would be interested in giving monthly , please click here! As always Thank You!! I could not do any of this without you!

The e-mail:
The first 3 months of 2011 have been incredibly productive.

In March, our medical clinic produced over 1,400 visits and 252 decisions for Christ, and also the inauguration of the permanent clinic facility UnsionMed. Honestly, I would have never believed that God would put into our hands  such tools as Medical Clinics and Television Stations!  Truly, ¨He does exceedingly more than we can ask or think.¨ Un Buen Consejo, our counseling  and follow-up ministry has reported a total of 8,012 calls and 2,650 decisions for Christ in this first quarter!  Miraculous!

In addition to the UnsiónMed Medical Clinic, we have started a new church to help disciple the new believers, within the first three months, our weekly attendance has grown to 300.   One of these news converts is Alejo and his entire family.  Far from the Lord and any faith, Alejo made a solid decision for Christ.   His wife tells me that Alejo was the guy that was NEVER going to go to church.  And now, 3 months into his new life in Christ he is a most faithful believer with his entire family joining him in his decision.  They are just ecstatic about the change they all have experienced.

With the Lord's help and provision we plan to launch Unsión TV in the 2 largest cities in Ecuador, Quito and Guayaquil through a national cable service.  I would covet your prayers as we attempt to raise the $27,000 needed for the initial investment and one year of service. You can tell by the two miraculous stories above that God is working mightily in this window of opportunity.  We are so grateful for all God has allowed us to do together to impact lives.  However, God has put before us yet another opportunity to impact more people.  Together, I am confident we can do this.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I Love, I Love Your Presence....

Wow..... This song just about says everything that I have been feeling lately! I can't stop listening to it! There is no sweeter place than the presence of Jesus! After a very long amazing Easter Sunday.....4 services later....It is still so satisfying to sit in His sweet presence! I am so thankful for the love of my Heavenly Father, the blood of His son, and the beautiful reward of getting to do exactly what I was created to do.... To love Him and be by loved by Him, and from that love, tell everyone I know!!! Happy Easter Everyone!! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Commitment- More than just a form...

I wanted to write a little note just to explain this..... The lovely commitment form. In order for me to leave for Ecuador, I need a certain amount of these completed that equal $2,416. I am about 60% there. This form is a faith promise.. By signing it you are committing to helping me reach the people of Ecuador as God enables you to.

A year ago I made a commitment to do my very best to see the dream that God has placed in my heart come true, but reality is I can't do it without this little form!! haha.

I thought a blog entry was appropriate because some of you have given to me monthly and have not had the opportunity to complete this form. Thank you so much!!!!! However if you would like to continue to help me please click here to fill out this form online so that I can receive final clearance. If you are giving through a church I still have to have this lovely form. You can download it to print it and fax it in (include your church name), or click here to complete an online version and continue giving through your church as you have been doing. Completing the form does not require a payment, it just shows that you are making a future commitment to support me monthly.

The second reason for this lovely blog is to ask for your  help! If you would like to consider helping me in Ecuador whether it be $5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $50, $100 ( you get it, haha) a month! I would be forever grateful and your giving would reach so much farther than this little form!! You can give online  or through your church!  Either way this must be complete! I can also e-mail it to you or you can download it  here to fax it in.

Once you have signed up you will receive giving credit either from your home church and/or from the AG in Springfield.  If you give through your church the statement from the AG in Springfield will not show an actual dollar amount unless you have given money through their website or to them directly. They will just have a record of your commitment form, your home church can provide an actually listing of your donations. Any direct donations to their website will be processed and a statement will be sent out. All donations are tax-deductible.

Also as of now! I plan to leave in August! I know what you are thinking! Leave already!! Trust me!! I can't wait! I want to leave! I am sooooo close!I have seen God bless me so much in the last 6 months! I trust in His perfect timing and I am committed to seeing His dream come true! Also please sign up for my mailing list!! Once I hire a personal secretary you will receive a monthly newsletter by e-mail. haha just kidding! However that would nice! Thank you soooo much!  And of course I could not do any of this without your love, support, and prayers!