Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Eddie and the Mecca

So this week I have the privilege of being in Springfield, MO for Missionary Training and orientation. Words can’t even truly describe all that God is instilling in me and it is only day 2.  I am bursting with excitement and humility and I just wanted to share a few things with you that have really impacted me so far.

First of all, within the Assemblies of God Springfield is known as the Mecca. It’s a little funny but to help those who may not understand that lingo, its kind of like visiting the White House. At first, I was a little intimidated because I felt like the President was going to walk out at any moment and I would have no idea what to do. Haha ok maybe that’s a little extreme, but I am at the very place where some of the greatest Heroes and Heroines of Faith have been established. It is amazing.  

On Sunday, I visited this church here called Central Assembly, and I just want to give props to the Pastor because he is a Pastor to Pastors! That has to be tough. The church is filled with men and women who have given their life to the Gospel and its unbelievable to see how they are still reaching this city for Christ. I almost just want to tell them to REST; you have done your work. But the truth is they promised to give their entire lives and it isn’t over yet. God is not finished. In that service I met a man named Eddie, now Eddie is an elderly man, he was not the best dressed, his coat had holes, it was a little dirty, but he had on a bright red tie, perfectly tied. In worship I could not help but notice his passion, his shaky hands, and how his heart loved to worship.  And then to go beyond that during the message I caught a glimpse his BIBLE. I know what you are thinking. Pay attention to the message Leah. Oh and I apologize for the picture. So wrong, I know. Haha. I can get distracted, but there was something about this man that brought tears to my eyes. His bible was old, worn, marked, and the pages were barely readable. His love for God was so evident in his smile. It just got me thinking. Here I am in a church that still does things a little bit traditional. They did not have the most creative media, they were still wearing suits and ties, and dresses, maybe they weren’t trendy enough, but they knew how to pray, they LOVED God’s word, and they knew how to worship.  I thought to myself. I want to be like Eddie, when I get old. I don’t know if he was a Pastor or a just a simple man that loved God. All I know is that I want God to look at me and smile through me because I have loved him, respected Him, and reverenced in His presence.  I want to wear symbols of sacrifice that show my work unto the Lord, not just titles. Now please understand, I’m not saying that we can’t be creative, or draw people in as this world and creativity is constantly changing. Those things are good. I just want the young person to understand and I speak to myself when I say that there is something to be said about those who have paved the way. It is an honor to know them. It is beautiful to hear their stories and to learn from who they are and to carry their legacies and testimonies to others.  

On another note and I realize this may be long winded. But my mind is bursting! So bear with me.  Coming into this whole Missionary thing, I thought I knew more than what I actually do. I work at one the greatest Mission’s Churches in the Nation. I am constantly surrounded with the greatest people, teachers, and Pastors, but I still have a lot to learn. I have realized that God is doing something in my life that is unlike what he is doing in your life! He has a unique purpose for each of us, but that just it. It is His purpose not mine. It can be exciting but really scary. However, I want to make a promise to each of you that support me, and when I say support, that can be a multitude of things. For one, you cannot put a price tag on prayer. So I THANK YOU!. At first I thought asking for money would be a horrifying experience. God quickly reminded me. “You are not asking for yourself Leah, you are asking for someone else, and most of all you are asking for me”. So my promise to each of you is, that I by the Grace of God, everything that I do in the Nation of Ecuador and for the rest of my life will be because God purposed it. He owns it all. It is His nation, His money, and His people I am just blessed enough to be a part of it! Thank you again for reading this and most importantly thank you for your prayers and support! (oh and can I just say I met the president of the AG, and he is really cool, human just like the rest of us) haha.


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